🔗 Introducing Creyos to your patients and staff

Vy Do
Vy Do
  • Updated

The first step to introducing patients to Creyos is clearly communicating expectations and opportunities with the program. Your patients need to know how they can access Creyos, what they’ll be expected to do with it, and the benefits completing their assessments. 

Here are some assets to help you introduce Creyos to your patients: 

Patient Communications

For patients you’re looking to assess with Creyos, get them started with an email announcement about this new capability and a brief overview of the Creyos experience

Resource link


Email Announcement Template Use this email template to help announce to your patients the availability of Creyos. Customize it based on how you plan to use Creyos in your practice and the key features you’ll be leveraging (downloadable PDF).
Overview presentation Use this document, in whole or in part, to introduce patients to the Creyos platform and provide an overview of the experience (downloadable PDF).


Internal and Staff Resources

When you’re ready to start administering Creyos, set aside time for you and your team to use Creyos and discuss any questions or concerns or ideas about how to administer the platform with patients. We recommend having everyone practice the assessments themselves as a way to explore the platform and understand the patient experience, in addition to reviewing the patient preparation guide linked below. 

Resource link


Patient Preparation Guide Use this email template to help announce to your patients the availability of Creyos. Customize it based on how you plan to use Creyos in your practice and the key features you’ll be leveraging (downloadable PDF)
Condition-Based Research Guide Use this document, in whole or in part, to introduce patients to the Creyos platform and provide an overview of the experience. (downloadable PDF)

Leverage existing meetings and communications to make sure your team knows about Creyos, any new enhancements to the platform, and how they can and should use it with patients.


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